
Unlocking Seamless Productivity
with Merlin Project’s Synchronization Features

El trabajo en equipo hace que el sueño funcione - especialmente en la gestión de proyectos

Synchronization via iCloud in Merlin Project

In today's fast-paced world, keeping up with the dynamics of team projects can feel like trying to catch a moving train. The margin for error is slim, and efficiency is the name of the game. Enter: Merlin Project's patented synchronization features. Let’s dive deeper into understanding why this is a game-changer in the world of project management.

Here's the perks of having seamless synchronization of your projects.


Posted by Marvin Blome on October 19th, 2023 under Project Management
Tags: teamwork sync collaboration

5 Questions about Project Management
with Marvin Blome

Coffee Talk

Marvin Blome

Just before the weekend, we take a short stop in the coffee kitchen and exchange ideas among colleagues. This is how we understand our "5 Questions to" article series, in which we ask experienced project managers about their best practices.

Today, we're talking to Marvin Blome, a new addition to ProjectWizards. The attentive reader will have noticed the guest posts in this blog. Before his role at ProjectWizards, Marvin has orchastrated Sales & Marketing activities for Northern Germany during his work at Hewlett Packard Enterprise. Further, he organized the Accelerate event at HHL Graduate School of Management, attracting 300+ participants with a team of 30+ students. Since September 1, he’s led our strategic and operational marketing, bringing his passion for entrepreneurship and marketing to ProjectWizards.

Of course, as the new wizard, he immediately had to answer our 5 questions.


Posted by Frank Blome on September 29th, 2023 under Project Management
Tags: 5 questions

Improving Project Management With Artificial Intelligence

How ChatGPT Can Help

In today's fast-paced and data-driven world, project managers face numerous challenges in effectively managing complex projects. However, the advent of artificial intelligence (AI) has opened up new opportunities to streamline project management processes. Back last December, we already took a general look at whether artificial intelligence is a curse or a blessing for project management after the release of the AI tool ChatGPT.

In this blog post, we will take a closer look at how ChatGPT can help project managers with planning, scheduling, risk management and resource allocation to ultimately improve project outcomes.

To illustrate, we'll use a company event as an example project and asked ChatGPT:


Posted by Stefanie Blome on June 30th, 2023 under Project Management
Tags: ai chatgpt

PDF: Celebrating The 30th Birthday Of The Digital Institution

Happy Birthday PDF

In the dynamic world of digital technology, where innovations come and go, there are few constants that have withstood the test of time. One such constant, firmly entrenched in our everyday lives, celebrates its 30th birthday today. Yes, we are talking about the Portable Document Format, better known as PDF.

Introduced by Adobe Systems in 1993, the PDF format was way ahead of its time. It offered the ability to create and share complex documents with embedded images, fonts and layouts that displayed the same on any operating system. Basically, it became a universal tool for digital document distribution, and it remains strong today, despite the flood of technological advances in the last three decades.


Posted by Frank Blome on June 15th, 2023 under Project Management
Tags: happy-birthday pdf

Time Blocking: Effective Time Management
With Advantages And Disadvantages

Effective Time Management Through Time Blocking

Effective time management is the key to increased productivity and improved work-life balance. One method that has now gained renewed popularity is Time Blocking.

Time Blocking is an effective time management technique that involves dividing a day into specific blocks or sections of time to be dedicated to specific tasks, projects or activities. During this block of time, you focus exclusively on that task without being distracted by other things. The goal of this method is to effectively structure your time and ensure that important tasks get done.


Merlin Project on the Mac and iPad

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