Research & Developement

Curiosity is innate to humans. Science provides answers. These touch us in the same way that only music, art or literature do. The excitement of mankind at the first Moon landing is just as much proof of this as the great public attention paid to the discovery of the Higgs particle at the Large Hadron Collider at CERN research center.
Researchers around the world are helping to decipher the complex systems that shape people and the environment. They are developing answers to crucial questions that concern people today and in the future: in connection with energy supply, the sustainable use of resources, mobility or the therapy of previously incurable diseases. But they also include fundamental questions such as the origin of the universe.
In contrast to accidental discovery, they deal with the systematic search for new findings as well as their documentation and publication. Publication takes place predominantly as scientific work in relevant journals and/or via presentation at professional conferences. Research and development projects are carried out in both scientific and industrial contexts, but also in artistic contexts.
In general, research is differentiated into:
1. Basic Research (also Fundamental Research)
Here, an attempt is made to clarify previously unknown objects, behavioral mechanisms, basic structures or functional relationships of an elementary nature. Basic research serves the extension of elementary scientific knowledge. The field of application is not in the foreground of interest. Basic research provides a foundation for applied research and development.
2. Translational Research
It is the advanced, targeted basic research at the interface with applied research that builds on self-generated scientific knowledge and is directed toward specific application goals or/and an economic, societal or cultural benefit to be developed.
3. Applied Research
It aims to solve a practice-related, often technical or medical problem. The goal is an economic benefit. The purpose research takes place both at universities and in the free economy. The knowledge gained is translated into technical developments.
An example of a research project in the field of applied research is our patented synchronization MagicSync. The object of the invention is to provide a method and system for synchronizing data structures that is applicable to data structures represented as object graphs using the concept of operational transformation, and that provides the means to implement nonlinear undo behavior while enabling unblocked and offline collaboration and consistent merge and intent preservation. Each synchronization in Merlin Project is based on our patent.
Whether in the office, at home, or anywhere in between: Thanks to the patented synchronization in Merlin Project, your team works with up-to-date project data in any situation.
While basic research is guided by the pure interest in knowledge and attempts to discover generally valid relationships and regularities, applied research is geared towards practice-relevant, useful results, such as in medical research. Each of the two research directions can give impetus to and benefit from the other. Basic research works at a higher level of abstraction, while applied research is closer to practical usability.
Research and development projects (R&D projects) are therefore projects whose results consist of new findings or innovations. They are thus among the "classic" project types that can be planned and managed with Merlin Project. The degree of innovation, interdisciplinarity and project risk are particularly pronounced in these projects.
Many researchers are already using Merlin Project for their projects. What are you researching next?