
Allmann Sattler Wappner . Architects

Allmann Sattler Wappner . architects

The architectural visions of the renowned architectural office Allmann, Sattler, Wappner from Munich have been already realized since 2018 with Merlin Project. A dedicated project management team is responsibile for schedule, cost and performance throughout the entire duration of the project.

Following the philosophy of the office: "Quality is one of our core values. In our definition, quality stands for commitment to design and precision."

Allmann Sattler Wappner . architects.

Posted by Antoni Cherif on May 15th, 2019 under Reviews
Tags: case-study reference review testimonial

Testimonial: opus Architekten

Testimonial von Opus Architekten

„Architektur ist immer eine Teamleistung. So gilt auch für unsere Arbeit, für realisierte Projekte wie ungebaute Visionen, dass sich im Ergebnis immer die Leistung mehrerer Beteiligter darstellt. Durch die individuellen und vielfältigen Nutzungsmöglichkeiten von Merlin Project gelingt es uns, auf Veränderungen während des gesamten Projektzeitraums flexibel zu reagieren und Verzögerungen durch schnelle Anpassungen abzufangen.“

-- opus Architekten.

Laden Sie hier das ganze Testimonial.

Posted by Frank Blome on July 25th, 2018 under Reviews
Tags: case-study reference review testimonial

Testimonial: Rhapsody | Chris Heil

Review from Chris Heil

Mixing, planning, time and cost tracking were scheduled and monitored with the magic tool!!

I keep checking every task, step, and change in Merlin Project, which stops me from losing the plot and lets me see my progress – which is truly satisfying.""

Chris Heil is a music producer who worked with artists like David Bowie, Bryan Adams, Scorpions and many more.

Click here to read the complete testimonial.

Posted by Stefanie Blome on January 14th, 2017 under Reviews
Tags: case-study reference review testimonial

Nice Quote from Atul Gupta

Today we received a very nice and kind quote from Atul Gupta. He is the principal of Gupta Consulting, a project management consulting company in Los Angeles, CA. In an interview he stated:

Atul Gupta

"In Merlin Project, ProjectWizards, have created a visually appealing, feature rich app that is accessible to both accomplished and novice project managers. My reputation & client trust is based in part, on the recommendations I make. Merlin Project is one of the very few products that I recommend. Merlin Project makes project plan creation a breeze."

Posted by Frank Blome on December 1st, 2016 under Reviews
Tags: case-study reference review testimonial

Testimonial: Artwork | Rudat

Testimonial Artwork | Rudat

„Inhalte so zu gestalten, dass sie beim Kunden richtig gut ankommen“ ist Prämisse für die freiberuflich tätige Grafik- und Kommunikations-Designerin Tatjana Rudat.

Unter dem Namen „ARTWORK, Werbung & Design, RUDAT“ betreut sie im Bereich Werbung und Design seit dem Jahr 1993 Persönlichkeiten der Kunst- und Kulturwirtschaft sowie Unternehmen aus Industrie und Wirtschaft des In- und Auslands, die Wert auf Qualität legen und nachhaltigen Nutzen zu schätzen wissen.

Laden Sie hier das ganze Testimonial.

Posted by Frank Blome on December 1st, 2016 under Reviews
Tags: case-study reference review testimonial

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