Merlin Project vs. Microsoft Project Plan 3
At ProjectWizards, we strive to continuously improve Merlin Project and tailor it to the needs of our users. To achieve this, it is important to take a look at other project management tools on the market and understand their strengths and weaknesses. We are happy to share these testimonials with you to help you make an informed decision.
We'll start with Microsoft Project, an established tool that is widely used on Windows systems in particular. We have taken a closer look at the Microsoft Project Plan 3 subscription version in order to make a well-founded comparison with Merlin Project. Microsoft Project Plan 3 is a web-based solution aimed at professional users and promises comprehensive management of tasks, resources and schedules.
In this report, we share our impressions and assess the extent to which the software can fulfill this claim.
Read more...Wizards Web Woche – KW 15
Was uns in dieser Woche besonderes auffiel
Das Internet, unendliche Weiten. Wir befinden uns auf einer permanenten Wissensreise und entdecken immer wieder Neues, aber auch Altes neu. In unserem Fokus sind dabei Themen rund um das Management – insbesondere von Projekten, Apple und seine Hardware wie auch Software, aber auch spezielles wie Softwareentwicklung oder Softwarevertrieb. Wir wählen Webseiten sehr subjektiv und meistens im Rahmen unserer Mission aus.
In dieser Woche gibt es wieder eine Sonderausgabe! Nach eine gefühlten Ewigkeit traf sich der harte Kern der PM-Camp-Szene auf einen #PMWhisky, wenn auch nur via Zoom. Wir stellen heute einige Teilnehmer und Ihre Projekte vor.
PRC Production Consult
Für Ralf Pirle liegen #PMfriends und #PMCamp für die Projektmanagement-Community am Herzen, seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient er mit Projekten in der Telekommunikation. -
Projektmanager:in werden
Bernhard Schloß hat einen umfangreicher PM-Kurs auf LinkedIn Learning. Dieser ist sogar für alle Nutzer kostenlos freigeschaltet. -
pro accessio
Kai Altenfelder ist methodisch sattelfest und freut sich mit PM-Praktikern auf Augenhöhe austauschen zu können. Die Kontakte bei einem Glas Whisky zu pflegen, macht ihm dazu noch Spaß. -
Falk Schmidt
Falk Schmidt "macht Dinge mit #digital und #Datenschutz". Er ist als Datenschutzbeauftragter leidenschaftlicher Verfechter der Privatsphäre auch derer, die ihrer Meinung nach nichts zu verbergen haben, und sorgt als Projektberater dafür, durch Digitalisierung vom Mittelstand bis zum Konzern die Welt vom Papier zu befreien. Und selbstverständlich gehört Merlin zum Werkzeugkasten :-) -
Agathe hilft
"Agathe hilft" ist eine Initiative, die kleinen gemeinnützigen NGOs professionelles agiles Coaching auf ehrenamtlicher Basis anbietet. Die Projektunterstützer sind alles erfahrene Coaches, die sich in der Initiative ehrenamtlich engagieren. Die Initiative ist aus einem Projekt der Deutschen Umwelthilfe heraus entstanden.
Wizards Web Week – week 14
What Particularly Caught Our Eye
The Internet, endless expanses. We are on a permanent knowledge journey and always discover new things, but also old things anew. In our focus are topics around management - especially of projects, Apple and its hardware as well as software, but also special like software development or software distribution. We choose websites very subjectively and mostly in the context of our mission.
Apple's Find My app officially works with non-Apple devices
The first new compatible products will arrive next week. -
MacBook and iPad production delayed as supply crunch hits Apple
US tech giant's headaches suggest even worse chip shortages lie ahead -
M87’s Black Hole
Astronomers Image Magnetic Fields at the Edge of M87’s Black Hole -
Competitive advantage with Project Management
Good project management in your company gives you a great advantage over your competitors.
Wizards Web Week – week 12
What Particularly Caught Our Eye
The Internet, endless expanses. We are on a permanent knowledge journey and always discover new things, but also old things anew. In our focus are topics around management - especially of projects, Apple and its hardware as well as software, but also special like software development or software distribution. We choose websites very subjectively and mostly in the context of our mission.
How retailers can (could) team up to market themselves
Holger Zimmermann shows how a package plus retail store could secure the future for retailers and summarizes the klever for many retailers. (German text) -
Agility? We tried it! Does not work!
A brilliant series of articles (here part 1) by Heiko Bartlog. -
20 years of Mac OS X
An interesting retrospective -
Building Gantt charts with Markdown
A great gimmick with Markdown files. -
Have I been pwned?
Last week some security breaches were reported again. Here is a contact point for verification.
Wizards Web Week – week 11
What Particularly Caught Our Eye
The Internet, endless expanses. We are on a permanent knowledge journey and always discover new things, but also old things anew. In our focus are topics around management - especially of projects, Apple and its hardware as well as software, but also special like software development or software distribution. We choose websites very subjectively and mostly in the context of our mission.
The Great Mac Developer Survey
Are you working as a web or software developer on the Mac? Participate in our short survey for a chance to win over 100 awesome prizes! -
Apple Failure Modes
Apple has avoided the types of failures that have beset so many tech giants. -
Researchers measure the gravity
Researchers measure the gravity exerted by a 90 milligram object.