
Projectwizards Website Now Also in French and Spanish

language chooser

Besides English and German, ProjectWizards GmbH’s website, /, is now also available in French and Spanish versions. A simple click of the globe is all it takes to switch easily between languages. The French version can be accessed directly via – and the Spanish version via .

By offering its website in these additional languages, the maker of the market-leading project-management software for the Mac, Merlin Project, is putting itself on an equal footing with its ever-expanding number of international customers by speaking their language. “The visitor experience at will now be even better for many more potential customers as it’s really easy for them to understand key information in their mother tongue and local language”, explains CEO Frank Blome.

By doing this, ProjectWizards GmbH is once again underscoring just how important it is to them to be close to their customers. By offering not only one, but two additional global languages on its website, it is taking customer communications to the next level. As part of this, every item of product information, all the publisher’s details, and the Partner System area have been translated.

In addition, has sported a stylish flat look since the start of the year. The website has a responsive design, meaning all the pages are displayed in an optimized way – including for mobile devices. Besides information about the Merlin Project lineup, visitors are offered tips and tricks covering all aspects of Merlin Project together with information on training courses plus regular news updates. Take a look as it’s always interesting – even more so now if you’re a French or Spanish speaker.

Merlin Project itself has supported multiple languages right from when it launched and includes English, French, German, and Spanish language versions. Interested project managers can download version 3.1 as a multilingual package from and try it out absolutely free of charge on a 30-day trial.

By the way, the latest version of Merlin Project is fully compatible with the latest generation of OS X: El Capitan (OS X 10.11).

Posted by Robert Sari on November 10th, 2015 under Internal
Tags: merlin-project

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