How Can I Exchange Data between Merlin Project and Things?

The todo application Things is often used by project managers for the micro management within projects. Therefore, the question of data exchange between the two programs is obvious.
The easiest option is the data transfer via AppleScript. Download this complimentary AppleScript and open it in the macOS ScriptEditor.
From Merlin Project to Things…
Script 'Things' transfers items of your project scheduling to Things. You may forward just selected items or the complete scheduling.
To transfer the selection, simply select tasks (in a work breakdown view) or resources (from a resources or assignments view) and call the script. When prompted how the script should work, choose 'Selection'.
If you want to transfer all activities of the project, just click any row and choose 'Transfer all'.
Note: A new project by the name of your project will be created in Things. The to dos will show the title and expected start (or optional expected end) of the Merlin / Merlin Project items.
From Things to Merlin Project…
'Things > Merlin' can be used to insert todos from Things as activities in Merlin Project.
Simply open the Merlin Project you would like to get the information inserted, select the todos in Things and call the script.
'Things > Mail > Merlin' can be used to export todos from Things for a Merlin Project user on other mac. It creates an email with a Merlin Project attached and saved in XML format which can be forwarded to any user or directly opened by Merlin Project 5.
Note: The Merlin Project user should check the project start date in Settings > General > Date Presets > Start… and adjust if required to match earlier or later planned start dates of the imported data.
Note To AppleScripts from ProjectWizards: You may incorporate this ProjectWizards sample code into your program(s) without restriction. This ProjectWizards sample code has been provided "AS IS" and the responsibility for its operation is yours. You are not permitted to redistribute this ProjectWizards sample code as "ProjectWizards sample code" after having made changes. If you're going to redistribute the code, we require that you make it clear that the code was descended from ProjectWizards sample code but that you've made changes.
To modify this or other AppleScript samples, please refer to the Scripting Merlin Project document. You'll find there various samples and code snippets ready to use.