
How Can I Change the Primary Phone Number or E-Mail Address, Which Is Used by Merlin Project?

Address Book

When you drag an Address Book card onto an activity, either directly from the macOS Address Book application or out of Merlin Project's “Library” dialogue, it will get assigned to this activity and appear in our project management software as a resource. This resource remains linked to the original entry in the Address Book. Changes in the Address Book card, will get transferred automatically to the various Merlin Project documents where this resource has been assigned to.

Sometimes there could be an issue though in recognizing the prime email address and setting this for the resource. We had reported this issue to Apple in year 2004 as tested the first version of Address Book, but a solution had not been released yet.

Fortunately there is an API to the Address Book, which developers can use when wanting to create add-ons for it.
Taking advantage of this fact we have created an Address Book add-on solving the issue of primary email address and phone number. Our primarily in 2005 released add-on, repairs Address Book and helps Merlin Project getting the appropriate data for the resources. You can get it for free and it is very easy to install:

  • Download the Address Book Add-On
  • You extract the zip archive and copy the 2 included files into the following directory “~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins” (~ : stands for your home directory)

Compatibility note: Since macOS 10.14 Mohave, Apple removed support for AddressBook plugins. So above plugin can be used on macOS 10.13 or older.

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