How Do I Use Microsoft Outlook Contacts in Merlin Project?

Merlin Project on the macOS integrates with Microsoft Outlook in various ways.
You can:
- use contacts as potential resources from Microsoft Outlook into Merlin Project.
- open calendar files exported from Merlin Project in Microsoft Outlook.
Setup for new Outlook
To use contacts from the new Outlook (version 16.76.2 or newer) into Merlin Project on macOS:
- Add your Microsoft Exchange account in Apple's as Apple explains here.
- Enable the Contacts checkbox is selected for the account
- Open in Merlin Project the Library window (choose Window > Show Library)
- Click the Contacts node. It lists all Apple and Microsoft Outlook contacts.
- Select the Contacts node in second level. It lists the Microsoft Outlook contacts.
Setup for Legacy Outlook or Older Versions
To use contacts from the legacy Outlook or older versions into Merlin Project on macOS:
- Call in Merlin Project the Library Preferences (choose Merlin Project > Preferences > Library)
- Switch to the Address books tab.
- Enable the checkbox for Show Microsoft Outlook contacts
Note: For Merlin Project to be able to show your Contacts from the »«, you’ll need to confirm that the app is allowed to control and perform actions with Confirm granting permission when prompted, or enable in Security & Privacy > Privacy > Automation the checkbox for »Microsoft Outlook« as listed under »Merlin Project«.
- Open in Merlin Project the Library window (choose Window > Show Library)
- Click the Outlook node. It lists all your Microsoft Outlook contacts.
Outlook Contacts as Merlin Project Resources
Select a Microsoft Outlook contact as listed in the Merlin Project Library Window. Depending on your Outlook version, this could be under the Outlook or Contacts > Contacts node.
To import and assign it in one step, drag it onto the activity row you want to assign the selected resource.
To import the contact as resource for your project and be able to assign it later onto any given activities, drag the selected contact into a Merlin Project Resources view.