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Preview of the "" in macOS Ventura

Mail in macOS Ventura

From the series of practical, new features from Apple: This blog post is about the new version of "" in macOS Ventura. At WWDC22, Apple showed a preview of the new macOS Ventura operating system coming in the fall.

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 14.07.2022 en asistencia
Etiquetas: Mail Apps Apple hints Merlin Project macOS Ventura Attachments

Preview of the “Stage Manager"

Stage Manager Preview

From the series of practical new features from Apple: This blog post is about the "Stage Manager". This feature was introduced at WWDC22 as a preview for Apple's new operating systems coming in the fall.

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 08.07.2022 en Productos
Etiquetas: macOS iOS iPadOS Apple Tip Preview Stage Manager

Merlin Project: Import Columns of Data as Activities

News from the Support team

You plan your projects with Merlin Project? Then you already know how easy it is to create new documents for new projects with the tasks you need for its planning. You can choose one of the build-in templates and check our website for more. You might want to import existing project files from supported formats of third-party applications.

You may also choose to start with a blank document and insert new activity items. And of course you can copy data from another Merlin Project file you have created and managed in the past.

Often enough you or your team may have listed activities for the tasks you need to adopt in your planing in a spreadsheet application like Excel or Numbers.

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Malware on the Mac

Malwarebytes Mac Logo

In this blog post, from the series of practical tips for your Mac, you will learn what to do if your Mac suddenly starts working slowly and unreliably. There is a high probability that a malware has entered the system.

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 23.06.2022 en
Etiquetas: macOS malware system slow problems virus trojan

Apple's WWDC 2022 preview

WWDC 2022

Tim Cook opens this year's developer conference with the keynote, as he does every year. At this keynote Apple will show a preview of all its operating systems and maybe we will also get some hardware news presented, who knows…

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 30.05.2022 en Productos
Etiquetas: macOS iOS iPadOS Apple WWDC-22 Keynote Rumors Developer

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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