Merlin Project: Additional Costs

Are you already planning your projects with Merlin Project and know the advantages of dependencies for dynamic planning? Then find out in this article how the clever usage of dependencies may also support you with individual specifications.
How can Merlin Project, for example, map cost plans that contain a dynamic factor which is dependent on unplanned delays?
Merlin Project offers you more flexibility than the basic functions would suggest. Below you will find a possible step-by-step guide for your own implementation.
Más información…Allocate Subscription Payment
Billing Providers

In recent weeks, we have occasionally received cancellation requests due to recurring payments which the requester associates with a payment service. Although no products of our company are used, a corresponding subscription does not exist, we nevertheless get these cancellation requests.
What Might Be the Reason?
Más información…Merlin Project: Differentiate Content #4
Part 4: Filter - Respect View Type

You plan your projects with Merlin Project and have already followed the Differentiate Content blog series?
In this post we will show you how to use the tags you've set in a Work Breakdown view also in a Assignments view type and which options or different procedures are required for defining filters for this purpose.
Más información…Merlin Project: Styles in the Outline

You plan your projects with Merlin Project? Then you already know how easy it is to customize your project using visual elements. Style elements are often used for automatic coloring of bars.
But what if your planning should highlight some lines by color, but the Gantt chart should still use the respective default representation of the selected view?
We will show you how this can be done using the Style and Content Inspector in Merlin Project.
Más información…Merlin Project: Differentiate Content #3
Part 3: Styles by Rules

You plan your projects with Merlin Project and have already followed the 1st part and the 2nd part of this blog series?
In this post, you will use your created tags to highlight the tagged content by styles.
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