
Allocate Subscription Payment

Billing Providers

News from Support-Team

In recent weeks, we have occasionally received cancellation requests due to recurring payments which the requester associates with a payment service. Although no products of our company are used, a corresponding subscription does not exist, we nevertheless get these cancellation requests.

What Might Be the Reason?

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Advantages Of Subscription

Subscription on time

Merlin Project is available in the App Store. The App Store is great for purchasing and handling all subscriptions. Since its introduction a few years ago, subscriptions have become more popular than individual purchases, are gaining more and more supporters.

However, there are also some skeptics and subscription opponents, a negative attitude towards this licensing model remains persistent. Wrongly so, because the subscription model has many advantages for buyers, for manufacturers, and for the quality of the product. You can find out which exactly these are right here.

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Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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