Merlin Project: Record Progress - Part 3

You plan your projects with Merlin Project, have completed the planning phase and assigned work to your resources?
This is the third post of the series where we show you how to record ongoing progress on your activities which are already started but not yet completed.
Más información…Merlin Project: Record Progress - Part 2

You plan your projects with Merlin Project, have completed the planning phase and assigned work to your resources?
This is the second post of the series where we show you how to:
- Record 100% completion on your activities
- Adjust the information so it reflects the need of more or less work then the original estimation.
Merlin Project: Record Progress
Part 1: Activity Just Started

You plan your projects with Merlin Project, have completed the planning phase and assigned work to your resources?
In this post we will show you how to record progress of the actual work done by you or other project stakeholders.
Más información…Allocate Subscription Payment
Billing Providers

In recent weeks, we have occasionally received cancellation requests due to recurring payments which the requester associates with a payment service. Although no products of our company are used, a corresponding subscription does not exist, we nevertheless get these cancellation requests.
What Might Be the Reason?
Más información…Merlin Project: Differentiate Content #4
Part 4: Filter - Respect View Type

You plan your projects with Merlin Project and have already followed the Differentiate Content blog series?
In this post we will show you how to use the tags you've set in a Work Breakdown view also in a Assignments view type and which options or different procedures are required for defining filters for this purpose.
Más información…