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Apple Features: Universal control

Universal Control

In this blog post, from the series of practical new features from Apple with which you have a benefit at work and in everyday life, is about the new feature "Universal Control". If all Apple system requirements are met, you can control all existing macOS and iOS/iPadOS in the environment with one device.

System Preferences

In System Preferences > Displays you will find the new button for Universal Control. This allows you to control multiple Apple devices simultaneously with one keyboard and one mouse.

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Merlin Project: Differentiate Content

Part 1: Tags

News from Support-Team

You plan your projects with Merlin Project? Then you already know how to convert your planning into a project structure with outline and Gantt. Your project will get a meaningful and readable structure by using descriptive titles for the tasks, organizing tasks into groups, using styles.

What can you do, if parts of your project plan outside of the standard structures are important for you and you want to differentiate these components, present them separately?

Let us show you how Merlin Project can help you with that idea.

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Apple features: SharePlay

SharePlay Logo

In this blog post, from the series of hints about practical new features from Apple with which you have a benefit at work and in everyday life, we would like to introduce you a new function of FaceTime called SharePlay. FaceTime supports all iOS/iPadOS and macOS devices.


FaceTime is an integral part of all Apple operating systems and free of charge. It allows audio and video calls with up to 30 participants.

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iPadOS: Upgrade Your iPad With a Keyboard

iPad with keyboard and trackpad

Your Mac hardware came of age? The PC your company provided had to be returned and you would like a personal device on your premises? You have iOS devices and love their ease of use? Your printer supports AirPrint already?

This could be the day when you might consider not buying yet another PC or even a Mac and to go all-in for the mobile solution.

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Hints: Mac apps for architects and engineers.


Apple products not only impress with their design, but are also very reliable and powerful. These are features that many architects and engineers appreciate in their daily work. If you are one of them, then the following products are just right for you and your office.

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Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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