Quick Guides
Here is a list of all quick guides for Merlin Project.
1. Download, Test & Subscribe (for Mac)
This guide contains the system requirements and shows how to use basic functions of Merlin Project; Installation, 30-days demo mode, purchasing and licensing.
1. Download, Test & Subscribe (on iPad & iPhone)
This guide contains the system requirements of Merlin Project on iOS and information about installation, 30-days demo mode and subscribing.
Combine Projects
With Merlin Project you can combine your project files and run overall reports, view or solve over-allocations due to overall assignments on their resources or simply work with your multiple project files in one Gantt chart, Kanban board, Mind Map etc. This guide explains how this works.
Creating content
This guide shows you the first steps behind creating content such as activities, milestones, and more in Merlin Project.
Creating dependencies
This guide shows you the first steps behind creating activity dependencies in Merlin Project.
Dropbox (on iPad & iPhone)
This guide shows how to use Dropbox with Merlin Project on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
Earned Value
This guide explains how Merlin calculates the "Earned value" columns for the related analysis.
iCloud Drive (on iPad & iPhone)
This guide shows how to use iCloud Drive with Merlin Project on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
Keyboard & mouse
This guide provides basic information on using the keyboard and the mouse in Merlin Project.
Local files (on iPad & iPhone)
This guide shows how to use local files with Merlin Project on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
Merlin Server (on iPad & iPhone)
This guide shows how to setup Merlin Server accounts with Merlin Project on iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.
Non-working time
This guide explains how to control the visibility of non-working time in Merlin Project.
Operating (on iPad)
This guide shows you how to operate Merlin Project on the iPad. Contains information about selecting columns or rows, zooming and the special keyboards.
Planned, actual and expected
This guide explains the planned, actual and expected columns you can use in Merlin Project and how they calculate.
Project content
This guide explains how to create content in Merlin Project manually, or how to import from templates, the library or third-party file formats.
Project settings
This guide explains where to find the project settings and their options in Merlin Project.
Project structures
This guide shows you the first steps behind changing the project structures in Merlin Project.
This guide explains how to use the "Publish" function and automate the export of project content.
Restrict Date Range
This guide explains how to change the set the visibility of the project to a specific time period in Merlin Project.
Scroll bars
This guide provides basic information about the scroll bars in Merlin Project and how to enable/disable them.
Time scale
This guide explains how to change the time scale in the Gantt chart of Merlin Project, or how to show the current unit and time line if required.
Title column
This guide explains the different icons which might appear in the 'Title' column of Merlin Project.
Traits column
This guide explains the various icons which might appear in the 'Traits' column of Merlin Project.
Work and duration
This guide explains how to schedule your activities in Merlin Project by Work, Duration and Elapsed Duration if required.
Work areas
With Work Areas you can work on shared projects independently and separately from the other users. This guide explains how to use it function and switch between public and private area for your changes in a project.
Xtra: Development with AppleScript
This guide contains information and samples on how to script Merlin Project over the AppleScript dialect.
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