  1. 1Welcome
  1. 2Concepts
  1. 3General
    1. 3.1The Main Window
    2. 3.2The Tool bar
    3. 3.3The Function Bars
    4. 3.4The Inspector
    5. 3.5Modifying the Sections
    6. 3.6Show/Hide the Gantt (or the Outline)
  1. 4Projects
    1. 4.1Project Templates
    2. 4.2Project Calendar
    3. 4.3Combining Projects
    4. 4.4Limiting Date Ranges
    5. 4.5Workspaces
  1. 5Project Settings
    1. 5.1General
    2. 5.2Value Lists
    3. 5.3Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)
  1. 6Activities
    1. 6.1Inserting New Activities
    2. 6.2Indenting/Outdenting Activities
    3. 6.3Collapsing and Expanding Activities
    4. 6.4Linking Activities
    5. 6.5Positioning Activities
    6. 6.6Conflicts and Warnings
    7. 6.7Actual Values
    8. 6.8Budgets
    9. 6.9Costs
  1. 7Resources & Assignments
    1. 7.1Working with Resources
    2. 7.2Working with Assignments
    3. 7.3The Utilization View
    4. 7.4Resource Leveling
    5. 7.5Resource Groups
    6. 7.6Users
  1. 8Elements
    1. 8.1General
    2. 8.2Checklist
    3. 8.3File
    4. 8.4Event
    5. 8.5Information
    6. 8.6Issue
    7. 8.7Risk
  1. 9View Options
    1. 9.1General Column Settings
    2. 9.2Settings for the Gantt Chart
    3. 9.3Settings for the Netplan
    4. 9.4Settings for the Styles
  1. 10Global Functions
    1. 10.1Importing Files
    2. 10.2Exporting Files
    3. 10.3Publish
    4. 10.4The Library
    5. 10.5User Defined Fields
    6. 10.6The Search
    7. 10.7Printing
    8. 10.8Reports
  1. 11Preferences
    1. 11.1General
    2. 11.2Priorities
    3. 11.3Licenses
    4. 11.4Updates
    5. 11.5Library
  1. 12Fields and Columns
    1. 12.1Activities
    2. 12.2Elements
    3. 12.3Resources
  1. 13The Menus
    1. 13.1File
    2. 13.2Edit
    3. 13.3Insert
    4. 13.4View
    5. 13.5Window
    6. 13.6Help
  1. 14Appendix
    1. 14.1Available Merlin Localizations
    2. 14.2Paths for Merlin files
    3. 14.3AppleScript
    4. 14.4Visual Dictionary
    5. 14.5Keyboard Shortcuts
    6. 14.6Keyboard Shortcuts in the Web Browser
    7. 14.7Differences between Merlin Web and Merlin app
    8. 14.8Additional Information on the Web
    9. 14.9Acknowledgments
    10. 14.10Merlin License