These are the descriptions of columns in the Activity view.
'#' gives each activity or each group in a project an explicit number. Only when the outline is sorted according to this field is it possible to manually organize the activities by dragging with the mouse. Sorting according to another field can be transferred to the '#' field by the use of the 'Freeze Sort Order', as listed under the Edit menu.
'# Successors'Successors' records a list with numbers (#) - separated by semicolons - of the groups and activities that chronologically follow the end of this activity. The type of relationship to each respective successor can be given in shorthand form: FS, FF, SS, or SF.
'# Predecessors' Predecessors' records a list with numbers (#) - separated by semicolons - of the groups and activities that chronologically precede the start of this activity. The type of relationship to each respective predecessor can be given in shorthand form: FS, FF, SS, or SF.
'% Complete' reflects the progress of the activity or the group in an ongoing project. A direct percent value can be given for activities. This field is calculated automatically for the groups or when using the fields 'Given Actual Work' or 'Given Remaining Work'.
'Actual Costs' contains the sum of costs, which results from the actual work.
'Actual End' records the date when the activity was actually completed. For groups no value can be given. When working with resources, the actual end can be set either for the individual assignments or for the activity as a whole.
'Actual Start' records the date when the activity actually started. For groups no value can be given. When working with resources, the actual start can be set either for the individual assignments or the activity as a whole.
'Actual Work' contains the total work that has actually been completed on an activity.
'Actual Work Costs' contains the costs that are generated by the actual work of resources assigned to the activity.
'Additional Title' describes the activity even further.
'Approved Budget' records the budget that has been approved for the activity and is therefore available for further calculation. Percent values can be entered which then relate to the approved budget of the containing group.
'Approved Budget Absolute' contains the same information as 'Approved Budget' except that percent values are converted to absolute ones.
'Approved Budget Distributed' contains the sum of the approved budgets of all subsidiary activities. It shows which part of a given budget is already distributed to subsidiary activities.
'Approved Budget Undistributed' contains the difference between the approved and the already distributed budget. It shows which part of a given budget still remains for distribution to subsidiary activities and groups.
'Actual Base Costs' records the fixed actual base costs of an activity.
'Actual Base Costs Subtotal' contains the sum of all actual base costs. Included in the groups are the sum of the actual base costs of all subsidiary activities.
'Actual Element Costs' contains the sum of all actual costs of the elements directly attached to an activity or group.
'Assigned Resources' lists the names of all the employees assigned to the activity, separated by semicolons. To assign resources to an activity, drag them from the resources list and drop them directly onto the activity or choose the menu item 'Insert - Assignment'.
'Assigned Resource Initials' lists the initials of all the employees assigned to the activity, separated by semicolons. To assign resources to an activity, drag them from the resources list and drop them directly onto the activity or choose the menu item 'Insert - Assignment'.
'Base Costs' records the fixed base costs of an activity.
'Base Costs Subtotal' contains the sum of all base costs. Included in the groups is the sum of the base costs of all subsidiary activities.
'Budget Info' records a text description of the budget.
'Budget Status' records the status of the budget for an activity. It can be used to implement an approval procedure with several stages.
'Budget Status Date' records the date of the last change to 'Budget Status'.
'Budget-Approving Resource' records the name of the resource approving the budget of the activity.
'Budget-Req. Resource' records the name of the resource requesting the budget of the activity.
'Budget/Actual Cost Saldo' contains the difference between the fields 'Approved Budget' and 'Actual Costs'.
'Budget/Expected Cost Balance' contains the 'Approved Budget' minus the fields 'Expected Work Costs' and 'Element Costs Subtotal'.
'Budget/Planned Cost Balance' contains the 'Approved Budget' minus the fields 'Planned Work Costs' and 'Element Costs Subtotal'.
'Element Costs' contains the sum of all costs of the elements directly attached to an activity or group.
'Element Costs Subtotal' contains the sum of all costs of the elements directly attached to an activity or group. Included in the groups is the sum of the costs of all subsidiary activities.
'Expected Costs' contains the sum of the costs that are expected during the process of a project
'Expected Duration' defines the working time span between the expected 'Start' and 'End'. Non-working times are hereby taken into account.
'Expected Early End' contains the earliest date that an activity could possibly end, based on the early finish dates of predecessor and successor activities and other constraints.
'Expected Early Start' contains the earliest date that an activity could possibly begin, based on the early start dates of predecessor and successor activities and other constraints
Expected Elapsed Duration' defines the time span between the expected 'Start' and 'End'. This duration is given in calendar units and includes non-working times.
'Expected End' contains the date at which the actual end of the activity is expected. If an actual end is known, 'Expected End' will contain this value.
'Expected Late End' contains the latest end date on which an activity can be ended.
'Expected Late Start' contains the latest start date on which an activity can begin.
'Expected Maximum Possible Work' contains the maximum amount of work that can be spent between the expected start and the expected end of an activity respective of the work calendars.
'Expected Free Slack' the working duration an activity can be delayed without delaying any successor activities. If an activity has no successors, the free slack equals the 'Expected total slack'.
'Expected Start Slack' contains the working duration between the 'Expected Early Start' and 'Expected Late Start' date.
'Expected End Slack' contains the working relation between the 'Expected Early End' and the 'Expected Late End' date.
'Expected Total Slack' contains the smallest of the 'Expected Start Slack' and 'Expected End Slack' values. It describes the working duration an activity can be delayed by without delaying the project's finish date.
'Expected Start' contains the date at which the actual start of the activity is expected. If an actual start is known, 'Expected Start' will contain this value.
'Expected Utilization' contains the ratio of work expected to be spent on the possible work between the start and end.
'Expected Work' contains the total work that is spent on an activity.
'Expected Work Costs' contains the costs that are generated by the work of resources assigned to the activity.
Checking 'Fixed End Window' prevents dependencies from pushing the end of an activity out of its given window. By this, potential scheduling conflicts are deflected from the activity to the dependencies.
Checking 'Fixed Start Window' prevents dependencies from pushing the start of an activity out of its given window. By this, potential scheduling conflicts are deflected from the activity to the dependencies.
'Flag Status' maps the status of the activity to a flag. This can be carried out automatically or manually.
'Given Actual Work' records the work that has been completed so far on an activity.
'Given Actual Work Overtime' records the part of the actual work that has so far been completed as overtime work on the activity.
'Given End Mode' specifies how the planned end of an activity is calculated.
'Given Planned Duration' defines the planned duration of an activity independently from its work. Durations given in e-units are interpreted as real time values that are not affected by the calendars defining the working time.
'Given Planned Duration Absolute' contains the same information as 'Given Planned Duration' except that percent values are converted to absolute ones.
'Given Planned Earliest End' constricts the planned chronological end of an activity. When it is highlighted in red, the specification cannot be complied with because as a conflict exists.
'Given Planned Earliest Start' constricts the planned chronological start of an activity. When it is highlighted in red, the specification cannot be complied with because a conflict exists.
'Given Planned Latest End' constricts the planned chronological end of an activity. When it is highlighted in red, the specification cannot be complied with because a conflict exists.
'Given Planned Latest Start' constricts the planned chronological start of an activity. When it is highlighted in red, the specification cannot be complied with because a conflict exists.
'Given Planned Utilization' records the percentage of effort with which the activity should be executed. 100% represents the complete work that is available in the calendar.
'Given Planned Work' records the amount of work (e.g. Hours, Days, Weeks) planned for the activity. Percent values can be entered which then relate to the given planned work of the containing group.
'Given Planned Work Absolute' contains the same information as 'Given planned Work' except that percent values are converted to absolute ones.
'Given Remaining Duration' defines the actual time that is still needed in an ongoing project to complete the activity independently from the given work. Durations given in e-units are interpreted as real time values that are not affected by the calendars defining the working time. For groups no value can be given. When working with resources, the remaining work can be set either for the individual assignments or the activity as a whole.
'Given Remaining Work' defines the amount of work that is still to be spent on the activity in an ongoing project. For groups no value can be given. When working with resources, the remaining work can be set either for the individual assignments or the activity as a whole.
'Given Start Mode' specifies how the planned start of an activity is calculated.
'ID' is a unique number in a project. It will be generated upon saving project structures in a new file and does not change afterwards in that specific file.
'Info' shows with symbols whether a conflict or warning exists for an activity, whether there are limitations with fields like 'Given Planned Earliest Start,' whether an element is attached to an activity and whether a text has been deposited. More information about the meaning of the shown symbols here
'Last Actuals Reporting Date' records the base date absolute actual values for an activity that have been reported. It is interpreted as the start of the remaining work or duration of an activity.
'Leveling Delay' records the time units in which an assignment is delayed according tho the "Resource Leveling" function.
A 'Milestone' can be set for an activity if this activity has only a symbolic meaning for reaching a part of an objective. A milestone contains no work and no duration.
When 'Optimize Duration' is checked, scheduling calculation tries to achieve the shortest possible duration for the activity. This is important for Start-Finish and Finish-Finish dependencies.
'Planned Costs' contains the sum of costs that are planned for an activity.
'Planned Duration' defines the working time span between the planned 'Start' and 'End.' Non-working times are hereby taken into account.
'Planned Early End' contains the earliest end date on which an activity can be ended.
'Planned Early Start' contains the earliest start date on which an activity can begin.
'Planned Elapsed Duration' defines the time span between the planned 'Start' and 'End'. This duration is given in calendar units and includes non-working times.
'Planned End' defines the calculated date for the planned end of an activity.
'Planned Late End' contains the latest end date on which an activity can be ended.
'Planned Late Start' contains the latest start date on which an activity can begin.
'Planned Maximum Possible Work' contains the maximum amount of work that can be spent between the planned start and the planned end of an activity respective of the work calendars.
'Planned Start' defines the calculated date for the planned start of an activity.
'Planned Utilization' contains the ratio of the total work to the maximum possible work between the expected start and end of an activity.
'Planned Work' contains the total work that has been planned for an activity based on the complete calculation of the project schedule.
'Planned Work Costs' contains the planned costs of an activity caused by assigned resources. When no resources are used, the costs are calculated from the default work rate of the project.
'Predecessors' contains a list of all the titles of the groups or activities that chronologically precede the start of the activity. It is the counterpart of the field 'Successors.'
'Priority' describes the priorities of an activity.
'Private' may be switched on or off. It can be used as criterion in advanced search, or in reports.
'Remaining Work' contains the amount of work which is left to complete after a full calculation of the project schedule.
'Requested Budget' records the budget requested for the activity. When the field 'Approved Budget' is filled with an amount, the budget counts as approved and enters into further calculations.
'Subtitle' further describes the activity.
'Successors' contains a list of all the titles of the groups or activities that chronologically follow the end of the activity. It is the counterpart of the field 'Predecessors'.
'Text' records a text describing the activity.
'Title' describes the activity.
'WBS-Code' contains the outline number of the activity calculated by a given scheme.