The Styles

With the help of the styles it is possible to format your project look according to rules. You can change the look of:

  • Activities
  • Gantt chart
  • Netplan
  • Resources
  • Utilization
  • Elements

The styles comprise the following areas:

  • Displayed contents
  • Row height
  • Fonts
  • Foreground and background color
  • Border style
  • Shadow

After selecting the view options in the "View" menu, you can access the "Styles" tab in the upper right corner of the window.

In the section "Selected Part" we have developed a "click-able preview," in which you can select the part to be formatted by clicking it. You will find several categories in the "Condition" section, which can be applied to an activity while formatting. Furthermore, you will find a list for groups, status flags and other project planning topics. In the section below all other available settings will be listed according to the selected part.

Styles hierarchy

The condition "General" is the basic format from which all other conditions are derived. This means that when, for example, you change the color of the General formatting, all other styles that have not been explicitly modified in color will inherit their display from the General condition. The hierarchy is displayed in the popup menu.

Bold items in the popup menu have explicit values set.

How to save style sets

In Merlin you can save a set of styles that you can activate at any time you wish.

  1. Modify the styles you need changed
  2. Click on the "Style Sets" popup menu and select "Save"
  3. Give the style set a name and define whether it should be available for this project only or for all projects.

You can also delete, modify or set-as-default any styles set from the "Manage..." option in the "Column Set" popup menu


If you want to change the color of the bars to represent the critical path instead of the blue, green, yellow, red colors of the status flags. This scenario is quickly realized by the following few steps :

  1. Select the Gantt bar in the preview
  2. In the condition switch to green flag
  3. Deactivate the foreground and background color with the help of the checkbox
  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 for both the yellow flag and the red flag status
  5. Switch to the condition critical path
  6. Activate the foreground and background color with the help of the checkbox
  7. Select the desired color with the help of the color palette.

You have now formatted your Gantt bar to highlight the critical path

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