Merlin Project Express
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Some files could not be opened under macOS 15 Sequoia.
New Features
The start dialog includes a new icon that lets you easily access additional project templates on the ProjectWizards website.
The user interface has a fresh look. Familiar symbols and icons appear with the same high quality but in a new design.
Bug Fixes
General stability has been improved.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Some MindManager documents could not be imported.
- On macOS 14 or later, shadows could be drawn incorrectly in the Gantt chart.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
New Features
The column inspector now supports multiple selection and allows to add, remove or change multiple columns at once.
The timescale in the Gantt chart can now display year, quarter and week numbers based on fiscal years. In which month your financial year begins can be defined in the project settings. If you then select a row in the Gantt timescale, you can activate the display of fiscal years in the inspector. Financial years are only available in formats that do not contain days or months.
Fixed Issues
- Improved general reliability.
New calculated fields
The following new fields are available as columns for the work-breakdown view, the assignments view and the resources view:
- Expected Work Variance: Contains the net difference between Expected Work and Planned Work. A positive value means more work compared to the plan.
- Expected Duration Variance: Contains the net difference between Expected Duration and Planned Duration. A positive value means a longer duration compared to the plan.
- Expected Start Variance: Contains the net duration between Planned Start and Expected Start. A positive value means a delay in the start.
- Expected End Variance: Contains the net duration between Planned End and Expected end. A positive value means a delay at the end.
- Expected Cost Variance: The difference between Expected Costs and Planned Costs. A positive value means increased costs compared to the plan.
More flexibility in the utilization views
In the assignments view, you can now also display selected fields of the associated activities in rows for assignments. The following new columns are available for this purpose:
- Code (Activity)
- Notes (Activity)
You can also display the corresponding fields of the assigned resources in the work-breakdown view. The columns are marked with the suffix "(Resource)".
More overview in the work breakdown view:
- Customize the display of assigned resources via the context menu of the resource column. With the new "Show content" option, you can now select whether column content is only displayed on the activities or also on activity groups.
- The minimum operating systems are now macOS 11 and iOS 15.
- The view settings inspector now closes automatically when you select a new table row.
- If you enter actual work values without a time unit in the inspector, the unit is automatically taken from other fields already filled in.
- If activities are still assigned when deleting resources, a warning dialog is now displayed.
- Timescale tiers in Gantt charts can now also be selected via the "Display > Timescale > Tiers" menu.
- On iOS, objects can now also be moved by dragging when the help function is activated.
- When adding new columns, you can now select multiple list entries.
Fixed issues
- Documents from some MindManager versions could not be imported.
- Under macOS Sonoma, Merlin Project may not be able to access calendars and reminders.
- File attachments could receive an incorrect timestamp.
- When editing headers or footers in the print preview, Merlin Project could crash under macOS Sonoma.
- When changing print settings, the print preview did not always adjust correctly.
- The help menu was too wide under macOS Sonoma.
- Help texts for menu items were not displayed under macOS Sonoma.
- Some pop-up menus were displayed in the wrong place under macOS Sonoma.
- CTRL clicks did not work in the style inspector.
- Under iOS, no values could be set for certain date fields in filters.
- General stability has been improved.
New Features
- Merlin Project now supports the upcoming operating system macOS Sonoma.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
New features
- Added link to Merlin Project discussion forum to the help menu.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- The layout of the print panel was broken, when more than three lines of text were entered as header or footer.
- In the print panel, the colors of header and footer texts could be wrong in dark mode.
- Opening the style editor via the context menu did not always pre-select a matching style condition.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- The application could hang after inserting remaining work.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- When importing MS Project files, tasks without work could have a wrong completion.
- The dynamic help did not work in full screen mode.
Fixed issues
- The application could crash during printing under macOS 10.14.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Opening exported XML files could result in error messages.
New features
- The context menu for column headers now allows to create new columns.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- The manual format settings for the "Complete" column did not work.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Custom folders could not be added to the templates section.
New features
- The new dynamic help explains views, columns, fields and controls. Activate it using the new question mark icon in the main toolbar, and then point to an object you want to learn more about.
- You can now customize the width and color of the vertical timeline in the Gantt chart in the Style inspector.
- You can now start calls from the phone icon in the Resource Inspector.
- The file attachments inspector has been redesigned.
- The "Milestones" condition is now available in the Style Inspector.
- The font in the inspector is now larger.
- When creating new columns, you now select the associated field in a separate dialog.
- Titles and fields of existing columns can now only be changed in the inspector and no longer directly in the column header.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Some fonts did not work in the header and footer when printing.
- In rare cases, documents could no longer be opened.
- Find & Replace in project views stopped after the first replacement.
- HEIC format images were not accepted as media.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Individual style settings on objects from subprojects of subprojects were not considered.
- Editing of files on SMB volumes could result in error messages.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Under macOS 11 Big Sur, entries in context menus in the inspector were often indented incorrectly when opened.
- When Merlin Project was downloaded from the Mac AppStore, export files could not be shared via Microsoft Outlook.
- When the computer was restarted, previously opened document windows were not always reopened.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Activities could not be manually resorted by dragging when a work-breakdown view was not ordered by the # column.
- The settings for automatic spelling correction and grammar were not saved.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
New Features
- The Warnings window has been renamed to Notifications.
- In the Edit menu there is a new menu item "Paste Special ...". When selected, a dialog appears where you can choose which contents should be inserted.
- Under macOS 11 Big Sur the main toolbar has a new design.
- macOS 10.13 is now the minimum required system version.
Fixed Issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- Some templates from Merlin Project could not be openend.
- Table cells did not show some Arabic texts.
- When using displays with 10-bit color depth, resizing a window was very slow.
- When entering work on activities with material resources, a wrong error message could appear.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- In rare cases, actual values of activities in groups were not correctly considered for scheduling. If this was the case for a project, a warning to this effect is now generated.
New Features
- The inspector is now also showing the subtitles of assignments.
- You can now insert images into the inspector notes fields.
- When entering duration and work values, the last used duration unit is remembered as default for the next empty row.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
New Features
- Exported files can now be shared directly from the export dialog via e-mail, messages, AirDrop etc. The menu item "File > Send as e-mail..." is therefore no longer necessary and has been removed.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.
- The week start day was not imported from MS Project documents.
- When switching between light and dark mode, some parts of the application were not updated.
New Features
- Starting with macOS 10.14, Merlin Project Express now also supports the dark appearance in all views. The colors of self-created style rules automatically adapt to the current appearance, but can also be edited manually. For rule-based styles, the colors for the light and dark appearance are stored separately. For individual selection styles, on the other hand, only one color is stored. Printing always takes place in the light appearance, while image exports take place in the currently selected appearance.
- The new program setting "Views Appearance" allows the contents of the project views to be kept in bright while the rest of the application is darkened.
- The new "Inspector Appearance" program setting allows the inspector to be brightened for a consistently bright appearance.
- The inspector has been adapted to the new look of macOS 10.15 Catalina.
- Merlin Project now supports the new accent colors of macOS 10.15 Catalina.
- With the clearly arranged new start dialog, users can create projects from templates and access the latest documents, help and instructions.
- The menu for switching the view type now contains the available configurations as submenus.
- When copying to the clipboard, an XML representation of the selected objects is now also created. This simplifies integration with third-party applications.
Fixed issues
- Improved general stability.