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Apple's April Spring Loaded Event

Spring awakening at Apple's product presentation

Apple Spring Loaded Event

What a fantastic Apple event that was! A well-trained Tim Cook presented a whole series of new products one after another. Starting with the new Apple Card Family, which is currently only available in the US, to the iPad Pro 2021.

First things first, there really was something for every Apple enthusiast:

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 21.04.2021 en Productos
Etiquetas: hardware software apps merlin-project

What is on my computer

Tools and apps I work with - today: Kai Brüning

Kai Brüning, ProjectWizards GmbH

Hello, I am Kai Brüning and I work as a software developer on the products of ProjectWizards. My focus is on the deeper layers, the engine room of the software, so to speak.

I am responsible for the Syncing solution of Merlin Project and often work in the model layer.

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Publicado por Kai Brüning on 14.04.2021 en Internas
Etiquetas: tools software personal-setup apps remote-work

What is on my computer

Tools and apps I work with - today: Frank Blome

Frank Blome, ProjectWizards GmbH

Hello, my name is Frank Blome and I founded ProjectWizards in 2002. As the boss, my area of responsibility actually includes everything that no one else feels responsible for 😉. Additionally I lead the project management.

For my daily work I use a variety of programs, especially because I also like to try something new.

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Publicado por Frank Blome on 07.04.2021 en Internas
Etiquetas: tools software personal-setup apps remote-work

What is on my computer

Tools and apps I work with - today: Antoni Cherif

Antoni Cherif, ProjectWizards GmbH

Hello, my name is Antoni Cherif and I am part of the ProjectWizards team since 2008. I mainly support and train architects working with our macOS and iOS apps, test, blog, create tutorials and take care of the content marketing of our products.

For my daily work I use various applications, including the apps that come with macOS like Mail and Safari ...

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 30.03.2021 en Internas
Etiquetas: tools software personal-setup remote-work

What is on my computer

Tools and apps I work with - today: Peter Meier

Peter Meier, ProjectWizards GmbH

Hello, this is Peter Meier and I am with the support team of ProjectWizards.
My main task is supporting our macOS and iOS Apps users, complemented by testing our software products, blogging and taking screenshots / videos.

For my daily work I draw on a digital toolbox. Here is a small selection of the tools and apps I work with...

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 24.03.2021 en Internas
Etiquetas: tools software personal-setup remote-work

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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