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What is on my computer

Tools and apps I work with - today: Antoni Cherif

Antoni Cherif, ProjectWizards GmbH

Hello, my name is Antoni Cherif and I am part of the ProjectWizards team since 2008. I mainly support and train architects working with our macOS and iOS apps, test, blog, create tutorials and take care of the content marketing of our products.

For my daily work I use various applications, including the apps that come with macOS like Mail and Safari ...

  • I spend a lot of my time using Safari, this allows me to do the research for our visibility on the internet. I use the big data website Ahrefs for this.

  • Of course, our own products must not be missing, I use them continuously. I plan and manage all projects in Merlin Project. I like to use the latest Meeting Cards app for our video meetings.

  • For internal communication, exchange of ideas and daily work from the home office with my colleagues, I use Slack extensively.

  • Markdown-based posts and the documents written in Asciidoc I edit in Sublimetext. It is one of the programs I personally like best for texting. Clean and very reliable.

  • I use Snagit to create and edit screenshots for a long time now. In my opinion it is the best app for creating professional screen shots in macOS.

  • As mentioned at the beginning, I like to use the apps that come with macOS. I use Mail to handle the rest of my communication.

  • Since the communication takes place in several languages, I like to use the translation function of DeepL to check my texts for possible errors. This is also the case for many other texts including this blog entry for example.

Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 30.03.2021 en Internas
Etiquetas: tools software personal-setup remote-work

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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