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Merlin Project: Resources in Day and Night Shift

News from the Support team

You use Merlin Project to plan your projects? Then you already know how to set the Project Calendar in Merlin Project.

In case you don't - You'll find the Project Calendar in the Project Settings.
New documents come with following pre-defined calendars: Standard, Night Shift, 24 hours. By default the Standard calendar is selected as project calendar. So the tasks of your project will be scheduled within 8 hours distributed 8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm Mondays to Fridays.

If your project should be accomplished completely by night work, simply select the Night Shift calendar in the Project Settings.

But how should you proceed when some of your resources are able to work 8 hours during the day and some others 8 hours at night?

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 01.03.2021 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project-express merlin-project asistencia macOS

Merlin Project: Resource Image

News from the Support team

You use Merlin Project to plan your projects? Then you already know what resources are and how to insert them for assignments on your activities.

For those who don’t, resource is a term for people, materials and equipment used in the project. Merlin Project offers the following resource types: Person, Material, Company, Equipment

Add an image for each resource in your project. This will help you easily locate a resource in the views.

Resource image in preconfigured views

Merlin Project supplies preconfigured views that show the resource image.

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 22.02.2021 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project-express merlin-project asistencia macOS

Merlin Project or Merlin Project Express: Damaged after the download

Merlin Project Support

Occasionally we receive following question:
I've downloaded Merlin on my mac. When launching the application I get the error message saying that it is damaged. How to solve this?

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 05.10.2020 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project merlin-project-express asistencia damaged

Merlin Project: Why do I have mixed formats when pasting text?

Merlin Project Support

From time to time we receive in support following question:
Why do I have mixed formats when pasting text in Merlin Project?

Merlin Project - mixed text formats

Copied text, e.g. from a mail, a note or a Word document, contains style information that has not been explicitly set in Merlin Project.

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 25.03.2020 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project asistencia merlin-project-express

Express files in Merlin Project

News from the Support team

You use Merlin Project Express to plan your projects? Then you already know that the little brother of Merlin Project has a reduced scope of functions which is sufficient for your planning.

But what if you want to share a Merlin Project Express file with Merlin Project users?
Some things you should know:

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 07.08.2019 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project-express merlin-project asistencia macOS

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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