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PM Trend: Resource Planning

Merlin Project

According to recent studies and surveys, resource planning in project management is becoming more and more popular. The trend is reflected in an increased demand for professional tools for project management, on Apple products Merlin Project sets benchmarks here.

In this blog post, we'll look at important aspects of the development of enterprise-wide resource planning.

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Project Management Trends

Merlin Project

Project management is gaining more and more importance worldwide. The trend is reflected in an increased demand for project managers:inside and the professional tools for project management, which include on the Mac Merlin Project.

In this blogpost we will look at three important aspects of the development of project management.

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Merlin Project: Collaborate on Project Files using Separate Views

News From The Merlin Project Support Team

You plan your projects with Merlin Project? Your team shares project files editing at the same time while our patented technology MagicSync keeps all data in sync?

Than you probably wondered, why views also stay in sync. How to proceed, if any team member working on the project files does not want a view to be in sync with someone else?

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Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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