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Le Lean Management dans la gestion de projet

Lean Project Management avec Merlin Project

Le Lean Management est une méthode d'optimisation des processus visant à minimiser le gaspillage et à obtenir des résultats plus efficaces. La philosophie de la gestion allégée part du principe que le client ne paie que pour la création de valeur et non pour le gaspillage ou les processus inutiles.

Appliquée à la gestion de projet, cette philosophie signifie que tous les processus et activités qui ne créent pas de valeur pour le client doivent être identifiés et éliminés. Les projets sont donc rationalisés. Le temps et les ressources doivent être économisés afin de maximiser les bénéfices pour le client et la réussite du projet. L'amélioration continue est un principe important. Cela signifie que les processus sont contrôlés et améliorés en permanence afin d'accroître l'efficacité et l'efficience. Cette méthode est également appelée "gestion de projet allégée".

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Publié par Stefanie Blome le 28.03.2023 dans Gestion de projet
Mots-clés: gestion-allégée agille lean-managment

What Is A MVP - A Minimum Viable Product?

Definition of the MVP

Today we take a cautious look into our wizard's kitchen. I would like to show how we approach new development projects. There are two different approaches for us.

We Simply Build The App

When the scope of a new app is very manageable, it's easy to assess the risk of development. The cost is low because, for example, only one developer is working on it for a short time (less than a month). In this case, we define a feature set, the app is built and out to the public with it. This was the case with Phone Memos, Meeting Cards and also with Herein.

The Feature Set Is Too Large For "Just Building It".

Sometimes, during initial discussions about a new app, you can immediately see that this scope will exceed the person-month limit. Or - as in Merlin Project – the product is of strategic importance. In this case, we are talking about a risk investment and here, of course, we proceed accordingly more cautiously.

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Publié par Frank Blome le 23.09.2022 dans Gestion de projet
Mots-clés: Development process agille incremental


Kanban card

Kanban is a form of visual project management. It is popular with product, development and software development teams, but in principle can be used anywhere. Learn what Kanban is and how it works for your projects in this blog post.

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Project Management Trends

Merlin Project

Project management is gaining more and more importance worldwide. The trend is reflected in an increased demand for project managers:inside and the professional tools for project management, which include on the Mac Merlin Project.

In this blogpost we will look at three important aspects of the development of project management.

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Kanban in Personal Project Management

Agile Kanban Combined with Traditional Project Management

Kanban in project management

While agile methods such as Kanban are now widely used in project management, employing a purely agile approach without the advantages of traditional project management methods often does not work, especially when a large project team is involved.

This article explains the advantages of agile Kanban and the traditional waterfall model, and how you can employ this to your advantage in the form of hybrid project management.

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Publié par Julia Meiling le 14.06.2018 dans Project management
Mots-clés: kanban agille

Merlin Project sur Mac et iPad

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