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Apple features: SharePlay

SharePlay Logo

In this blog post, from the series of hints about practical new features from Apple with which you have a benefit at work and in everyday life, we would like to introduce you a new function of FaceTime called SharePlay. FaceTime supports all iOS/iPadOS and macOS devices.


FaceTime is an integral part of all Apple operating systems and free of charge. It allows audio and video calls with up to 30 participants.

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Organize podcasts

Podcast Logo

Podcasts enjoy great popularity. The free shows are available in all languages and cover any subject. Podcasts came into vogue with the iPod. The word combines "pod" from iPod and "cast" from broadcast. Today it is synonymous with free audio shows for everyone.

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 16.02.2022 en Productos
Etiquetas: macOS iOS Podcast GarageBand Plan Create

Hints: Mac apps for architects and engineers.


Apple products not only impress with their design, but are also very reliable and powerful. These are features that many architects and engineers appreciate in their daily work. If you are one of them, then the following products are just right for you and your office.

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iOS Tip: Move Multiple Apps At Once In iOS 15

iOS 15 logo

If you have a lot of apps on your iPhone or iPad, it can be quite tedious to distribute and organize them individually across multiple home screens.

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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 23.11.2021 en Productos
Etiquetas: ios-tipps apple iOS iPadOS icons move home screen arrange

Merlin Project: Creating PDFs

PDF Icon

Merlin Project includes an export feature that lets you create PDFs for your projects in an instant. But did you know that macOS also lets you create PDFs from the print menu?

Merlin Project PDF Export Function

In Merlin Project on the Mac, there are two ways to create a PDF from your projects. The built-in export function in Merlin Project is located in the File > Export menu.
Then click Image and set the options for the PDF you want to export.

PDF Export
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Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 19.10.2021 en Productos
Etiquetas: macOS iOS iPadOS Print Merlin Project Export

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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