
Online Trainings in French

French Merlin Project Trainings

Since this year we can finally offer our customers French trainings in addition to the online trainings in English and German language. These trainings are conducted by our Swiss partner Philippe Lauper.

As the founder of Prefix, Philippe Lauper supports his customers with project management guidance and training. He also organizes and moderats team building workshops.

Philippe Lauper has 20 years experience in project management, in the industrial, administration and academic environment but also in sports and cultural events. More particularly he had the opportunity to be the project manager of the Solar Impulse adventure, the solar-powered airplane that successfully flew around the world. He used these various experiences to develop his own project management methodology, applicable in a cascade or agile approach and adjustable to the complexity of each project.

If you are interested in a beginner's training or a Merlin demo in French language, you will find all training dates in the support area on our website.

But also our German and English speaking training partners were not idle. They have again put together a whole range of training offers for 2020, either online or on-site. Just have a look!

Publicado por Stefanie Blome on 10.01.2020 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project entrenamiento

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