Trainings and Workshops Online and Onsite

Do you want to know how to manage your projects successfully with Merlin Project? Just book a training.
We are regularly offering new training options as public classes, online trainings or online courses for all aspects of our products. All our trainers are certified. That guarantees a constant high quality to all our offers.
Find all upcoming dates on the training page.
Merlin Project Business Briefing
in New York

We are happy to announce the 1st Merlin Project Business Briefing. Although this is not a training session, Atul Gupta of Gupta Consulting will provide a detailed insight into the feature set of Merlin Project & Merlin Server. Best practice for use and implementation as well as all available support opportunities.
Whether you want to learn more about Merlin Project & Merlin Server or are considering upgrading/switching, then this briefing is for you. Meet our business partner Atul Gupta on May 2nd 2017 in New York City.
The fee to attend this event is $99 per attendee. Register now and save your spot. All attendees will receive a discount coupon for purchase Merlin Project only.
The Merlin Project 4 US Road Show
These free of charge and interactive events will introduce Merlin Project as the leading project management software on Mac and iPhone. We will guide you through the strengths of Merlin Project, Merlin Server and how they are working together. Of course you will have plenty of time for Q&A and networking.

ProjectWizards Shows News at PM Welt in Munich!

Die eintägige, von Standards und Zertifizierungen unabhängige Projektmanagement-Veranstaltung wendet sich an Projektmanager aus dem deutschsprachigen Raum und findet am 26. April 2016 in München-Dornach statt. Auf der PM Welt erfahren die Teilnehmer kompakt und praxisorientiert, worauf sie bei der Projektarbeit achten müssen, wie sich schwierige Situationen erfolgreich meistern lassen und welche Trends sich gerade im Projektmanagement entwickeln.
Aussteller und Sponsor
ProjectWizards ist nicht nur als Aussteller vertreten, sondern unterstützt diese Veranstaltung auch durch unterschiedlichste Maßnahmen. Denn dieser Termin ist für uns sehr wichtig! Schauen Sie in den nächsten Wochen öfter mal rein.
Frühbucherrabat nutzen
„Wir haben schon jetzt sehr gute Anmeldungszahlen. Beeindruckend finde ich vor allem, dass sich so viele Mitarbeiter namhafter Konzerne angemeldet haben – vielfach sogar ganze Projektteams“, freut sich Regina Wolf-Berleb, Veranstalterin der PM Welt und eine der beiden Geschäftsführerinnen des Projekt Magazins. Wolf-Berleb rechnet mit bis zu 400 Teilnehmern und empfiehlt Interessenten daher eine zeitnahe Anmeldung - nicht nur wegen des Preises, sondern auch wegen der begrenzten Kapazitäten.
Merlin Project Supports the Mactech Conference
Merlin Project, the leading project management software for Apple Mac, sponsers this year's

MacTech Conference in Los Angeles, CA
The international conference for professional IT service providers, system consultants and engineers is specialized on solutions for Apple OS X as well as iOS. The MacTech Conference takes place November 4-6, 2015 in Los Angeles, CA.
Already on November 3, ProjectWizards CEO Frank Blome will personally introduce the participants of the Pre-Conference Workshops to intelligent project management on Mac with his one-day workshop "The Essence of Project Management on the Mac. How to start your next important project."
After the basics, the participants will mainly be given an understanding of the structured, software assisted project management. CEO Frank Blome will enhance the workshop with professional tips and tricks of his rich treasure trove of experience of being a project manager for more than 20 years. During the following conference, ProjectWizards team will be available to discuss business development and to exchange experience for resellers, system consultants and distributors.
ProjectWizards again shows its outstanding international engagement in the Apple and project management communities. "Supporting the communities is very important for us. Thus we stay in touch with the users and can guarantee our customers the best user experience at all times", says ProjectWizards CEO Frank Blome on his sponsoring activities.
Merlin Project has just been updated to version 3.1 and is also available for all interested project managers which cannot make it to Los Angeles, as a free 30-days trial.