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Team Building Activities Are Important

…also for decentralized working teams

ProjectWizards does not have a classic office building, we work all over Germany, each at a location of his choice. All the more important are the team meetings that take place once a quarter, where everyone comes together in one place. Not only do they work together.

ProjectWizards karting

We are also happy to spend our time with joint activities, such as having a barbecue bowling, karting or curling. Sometimes it's just a visit to the Varité or the Christmas market or a nice walk to the restaurant for having dinner together. Especially since we lack the coffee or tea kitchen due to the decentralized work, such activities are important as a team.

But of course this is not only true for us here at ProjectWizards, but also for all companies and industries in general. Here are a few reasons why team building is so important:

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Publicado por Stefanie Blome on 24.06.2019 en Internas
Etiquetas: team-building team-motivation cooperation

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