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New Netplan View In The Templates

Merlin Project Template Bubble Chart

Even though it's always a bit quieter for us in the summer, there's a lot going on in the background. On the one hand, we have to implement all the surprises that Tim Cook and his team brought us at WWDC. On the other hand, this time finally gives us the opportunity to tackle the issues that are usually pushed further and further back. Yes, we can also procrastinate 😉.

Today we start with a new diagram for the network. Together with our esteemed partner Kathrin Lamm we have been working on the bubble chart. In her blog (in 🇩🇪 language) she has published an interesting article on how to use the new network representation.

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Publicado por Frank Blome on 24.06.2022 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project template netplan

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