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Merlin Project: Record Progress - Part 3

News from Support-Team

You plan your projects with Merlin Project, have completed the planning phase and assigned work to your resources?

This is the third post of the series where we show you how to record ongoing progress on your activities which are already started but not yet completed.

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Merlin Project: Record Progress - Part 2

News from Support-Team

You plan your projects with Merlin Project, have completed the planning phase and assigned work to your resources?

This is the second post of the series where we show you how to:

  • Record 100% completion on your activities
  • Adjust the information so it reflects the need of more or less work then the original estimation.
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Merlin Project: Record Progress

Part 1: Activity Just Started

News from Support-Team

You plan your projects with Merlin Project, have completed the planning phase and assigned work to your resources?

In this post we will show you how to record progress of the actual work done by you or other project stakeholders.

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¿Cómo definir las funciones rápidas personalizadas?

Merlin Project Support

¿Le gusta utilizar las funciones rápidas de teclado y quiere asignar algunas opciones de menú de Merlin Project a atajos de teclado?

Puede utilizar simplemente la opción de las funciones rápidas disponible en el sistema Apple.

Por ejemplo, si desea asignar un atajo de teclado a la terminación 50% del menú Edición, haga lo siguiente:

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Publicado por Stefanie Blome on 20.03.2023 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project asistencia merlin-project-express

Merlin Project 8.1.8 Is Released

News about Merlin Project

We have just released the version 8.1.8. This free update is important for Merlin Project.

  • If you work with Merlin Project from the App Store, a new version will be made available to you after checking the Mac App Store.
  • If you have downloaded Merlin Project from this website, update this version for free using the menu command in the app "Check for updates ...".
  • The version for the iPad and iPhone appears automatically in the App Store after verification by Apple.

We have also updated Merlin Project Express. The new versions will be provided in the Mac App Store or at SetApp – right after its review.

You can find the minimum system requirements here.

Publicado por Frank Blome on 23.02.2023 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project merlin-project-express lanzamiento

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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