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Happy 16th Birthday, Merlin Project!

Happy 16th Birthday, Merlin Project!

Today 16 years ago our magic project management software Merlin Project was released. Happy birthday.

A good opportunity to say thank you.

  • To our developers for your well thought-out approaches and implementation of functional requirements
  • To our supporters for your fast and friendly help
  • To our partners for their support and mediation
  • To Frank Blome, our boss, who challenges and encourages us

But of course also to you, our customers. You support us with your purchase but also with your feedback in the further development of our Merlin products.

Without each and every one of you, Merlin Project would not be the product we all enjoy today. Thank you!

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Publicado por Stefanie Blome on 09.11.2020 en Internal
Etiquetas: birthday merlin-project merlin-project-express

It's Merlin Project's 15th Birthday!

Happy 15th Birthday

This week we can't get out of celebrating. First we released version 6 of our popular project management software on November 5th, and today is the 15th birthday of Merlin Project.

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Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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