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Visualize Your Strategy For The Year 2021

The Free Roadmap Template for Merlin Project

For each year, a manager should have a strategic plan or a so-called roadmap. In this article, we will set up a sample plan for Merlin Project and highlight both the time and financial aspects. The content of the plan is then up to you. You can also find this project in our template area as a free download.

The Project

A template for a strategic plan in Merlin Project

In the image above, it is immediately noticeable that different formats are set here. Histograms, bars, milestones and boxes are used depending on the task. But let's go through the image from top to bottom.

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Publicado por Frank Blome on 30.12.2020 en Gestión de proyectos
Etiquetas: strategy merlin-project caso de uso ipad mac

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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