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Is Social Media a Waste of Time In Project Management?

Social Media in Project Managment

Professional success has always been linked to who you know. Particularly in the professional sphere, people network with like-minded people in order to exchange information with each other. For centuries, people have therefore joined together in guilds, fraternities, associations, etc.

Our modern society is built on countless network structures; we are more connected today than any generation before us. Networks of the 20th and 21st centuries extend across all areas of society and are often not clearly recognizable. The economy is driving this networking even further: globalized flows of goods, international services, working in the cloud, social media. Everything is organized decentrally in networks.

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Publicado por Stefanie Blome on 02.02.2021 en Gestión de proyectos
Etiquetas: social-media networking

Farewell Facebook – Our Account Is Deleted

Privacy Is More Important to Us Than Likes

You may like or hate Facebook, but for decades it has been connecting people and making it easy to exchange information across borders.

Unfortunately, this medium is also being used more and more by groups that deliberately disseminate disinformation, manipulation, steal and misuse user data. Facebook itself also handles its customers' data negligently. Despite promises to the contrary, Facebook has not managed to guarantee data security.

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Publicado por Stefanie Blome on 28.05.2019 en Internas
Etiquetas: social-media #deletefacebook

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