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Merlin Project 4.3.6 Is Released

Merlin Project

We have just released the version 4.3.6. This maintenance update is important for both Merlin Project and Merlin Server.

Use "Check for updates …" to download the new macOS versions.

The iOS version 4.3.6 will be available in the App Store soon.

We have also updated Merlin Project Express. The new versions will be provided in the Mac App Store or at SetApp.

Merlin Project: Where to Change the Calculation Unit for Durations?

Merlin Project Support

You use Merlin Project to schedule your projects and keep track of work, resources and cost? Then you already know how to enter new activities, define them by 'Given Work' or 'Given Duration' as required and/or assign resources. So let's assume that you have two activities; defined one by 13 hours, the other by 4.5 weeks of given work.

You need now to show - maybe for reporting reasons - 'Planned Work', 'Expected Duration', etc by activity or assignment. So you enable the desired column(s) in the outline or Gantt. Merlin Project calculates the information, uses the statistic work values and selects the unit coming nearer to the entered values. That shows the first activity by a planned work of 1.62 days, the other by 1.12 months.

How to have all work or duration units the same, for example in 'days'? Más información…

Merlin Project: Where to Enter Travel Costs?

Merlin Project Support

You use Merlin Project on the Mac, iPad, or Merlin Project Express to schedule your projects and keep track of work, resources and cost? Then you already know where to check finance information for your various activities.

You need now to record travel costs and don't know where or how to enter them?

Más información…

Merlin Project 4.3.5 Is Released

Merlin Project

We have just released the version 4.3.5. This maintenance update is important for both Merlin Project and Merlin Server.

Use "Check for updates …" to download the new macOS versions.

The iOS version 4.3.5 will be available in the App Store soon.

We have also updated Merlin Project Express. The new versions will be provided in the Mac App Store or at SetApp.

Merlin Project 4.3.4 Is Released

Merlin Project

We have just released the version 4.3.4. This maintenance update is important for both Merlin Project and Merlin Server.

Use "Check for updates …" to download the new macOS versions.

The iOS version 4.3.4 will be available in the App Store soon.

We have also updated Merlin Project Express. The new versions will be provided in the Mac App Store or at SetApp.

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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