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Friday Again Already?

In the last time it happens again regularly that I ask myself at the latest on Friday around noon the question; "Friday noon, where is this week already again"? Yes, I really ask myself this question in this form. And not as the universally quoted TGIF - "Thank God is Friday"; because I like to work! So my motto is IIFRA - "Is it Friday really again?" ;-)

So now I'm taking some time to review selected topics of the last week. Maybe I'll be able to slow down the pace a bit... or what's the consultant term for that: "deceleration".

PM Camp Hamburg

PM Camp Hamburg

Finally, the preparations for the „biggest class reunion of German-speaking project managers" (I like to quote myself) are underway. After a few attempts sabotaged by Covid-19, a new orga team has now been found, which has already found a place and a date:


On May 19 and 20, 2023, the PM Camp will
take place on the premises of ISM Hamburg.

More details will follow very soon. Until then, block the date in your schedule. I will definitely be there!

Más información…

Publicado por Frank Blome on 27.01.2023 en Internas
Etiquetas: viernes links collection-of-links

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