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macOS Hints: Check System Version


Since the first version of Mac OS X in 2001 many new system versions have been released, Apple has currently introduced the name in macOS and a place in California as versioning.

To check the version used and to update to the latest version, proceed as follows:

  1. Click the Apple logo in the top left menu.
  2. Select "About this Mac" from the menu.
  3. The appearing dialog displays the version of the operating system.
  4. Merlin Project requires at least macOS 10.12 - Sierra. If you have an older version, click on the "Software Update" button in the dialog above.

More about macOS versions can be found directly on the Apple website.


Keep your system up to date at all times to prevents problems, increases compatibility and minimizes potential security risks. This applies not only to the operating system but also to installed software.

You will find all articles of our series "macOS hints" here.

Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 07.01.2020 en Gestión de proyectos
Etiquetas: macos-hints system-version

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