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Merlin Project: Multi Sorting

News from the Support team

You use Merlin Project to plan your projects? Then you already know how easy it is to sort your project by right-clicking a column header and the corresponding option.

What if you want to use multiple presets for one sort?
This is how to proceed:

Lets say you want to sort the 'Work breakdown > Entry' view of the demo document.

To focus on the outline, we hide the Gantt chart:

  • Right-click in the free area of the Gantt.
  • Click on 'Hide Gantt Chart'.

Multi Sorting

  • Right-click the 'Given Work' column header.
  • Select 'Sort Ascending'.
    The document will be sorted accordingly.
  • Now open the view options.
  • Click '+' within the ,View Options' inspector.
    A new sorting field is now added.
  • Select 'Title' instead of '#' from the drop-down menu.

The document is now sorted by "Given Work" and additionally by the "Title".

Merlin Project allows you to sort a project plan by multiple columns.

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Publicado por Peter Meier on 23.01.2019 en Productos
Etiquetas: merlin-project asistencia macOS

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