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Lessons from "The Art of War" for Project Management Success (IV)

How to Plan More Effectively

Sun Tzu - The Art of War

“The Art of War” is one of the most ancient books on strategy and one of the most famous books of all times. On the surface, it is about how to win a war but a lot of what is said is applicable to project management.

Planning is one of the most crucial steps in any project. In the final part of our series, we will explore how to apply Sun Tzu's wisdom on planning to manage your projects more effectively.

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Publicado por Dave Prior on 12.03.2018 en Project Mangement
Etiquetas: Sun Tzu The Art of War

Lessons from "The Art of War" for Project Management Success (III)

How to Make Use of the Principle of Paradox

Sun Tzu - The Art of War

“The Art of War” is one of the most ancient books on strategy and one of the most famous books of all times. On the surface, it is about how to win a war but a lot of what is said is applicable to project mangement.

In part three of our series about project management lessons from “The Art of War” we will talk about how to use the tao of paradox to your advantage.

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Publicado por Dave Prior on 05.03.2018 en Project Mangement
Etiquetas: Sun Tzu The Art of War

Lessons from "The Art of War" for Project Management Success (II)

Five Success Factors in Practice

Sun Tzu - The Art of War

The Art of War is one of the most ancient books on strategy and one of the most famous books of all times. On the surface, it is about how to win a war but a lot of what is said is applicable to project mangement.

In part two of our series about the probably most ancient book about strategy, we will talk about the five measures and how to apply them to foster your project management success.

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Publicado por Dave Prior on 26.02.2018 en Project Mangement
Etiquetas: Sun Tzu The Art of War

Lessons from "The Art of War" for Project Management Success

Introduction to Five Success Factors

Sun Tzu - The Art of War

The Art of War is one of the most ancient books on strategy and one of the most famous books of all times. On the surface, it is about how to win a war but a lot of what is said is applicable to project mangement.

In part one of this short series we will examine the five basic measures you should monitor for (project) success.

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Publicado por Dave Prior on 19.02.2018 en Project Mangement
Etiquetas: Sun Tzu The Art of War

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