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Malware on the Mac

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In this blog post, from the series of practical tips for your Mac, you will learn what to do if your Mac suddenly starts working slowly and unreliably. There is a high probability that a malware has entered the system.

Malware on Mac

A malware is not a virus or Trojan, nevertheless it is a very annoying coeval. Usually, a malware makes your Mac slow and unreliable to respond. The startup times of certain apps or the whole system are incredibly tough and somehow the Mac feels totally sluggish.

Malwarebytes Mac

The remedy here is to use special applications that detect malware and also delete it from the computer. Particularly reliable and specially designed for the Mac, is the software Malwarebytes.


Malwarebytes is free in the basic version and performs its service very reliably. You can either manually initiate a search or let Malwarebytes work in the background.

Malwarebytes Mac scan for malware

Another software to clean up your Mac is CleanMyMac by MacPaw, this software can remove malware from Mac among others. The feature set of CleanMyMac is quite broad. Therefore CleanMyMac is chargeable in contrast to Malwarebytes.

Our support recommends!

If your Mac feels slow while working with Merlin Project, download Malwarebytes for Mac and start scanning for malware.

Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 23.06.2022 en
Etiquetas: macOS malware system slow problems virus trojan

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