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Happy Holidays

Our Offices Will Be Closed for Christmas

What an eventful year for ProjectWizards and Merlin Project. It's time to take a short break. We will close our offices for the holidays but you can still reach us for urgent support inquiries.

If you didn't know, here at ProjectWizards' we love Christmas. That's why our developers tend to spend a little more time on creative work every year before the holidays. As a result we are able to share with you small pieces of art like this christmas tree.

Gantt Chart Tree

Our developers will add some more glitter balls before we all leave and take some days off. As of December 23rd until January 1st 2018 inclusive we are on holidays to unwrap presents, eat cookies and most of all recharge. Because, that we can promise: 2018 will be a very special year for Merlin Project.

If you experience any technical emergencies during our company holidays send us an email to and we will make sure your problem is resolved as quickly as possible and you can get back to relaxing next to the christmas tree.

Now, we wish you happy holidays, a hopefully more generous decorated christmas tree than our picture shows and all the best for 2018!

Team ProjectWizards

Publicado por Paul Henkel on 20.12.2017 en Internas
Etiquetas: saludos

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