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Merlin Project for architects and engineers

Keep a digital construction diary


Merlin Project is the perfect solution for architects and engineers. With project management software you can create and track construction schedules for all your construction projects. With Merlin Project you can also do more. Construction documentation and construction diaries are no problem.

Thanks to annotations, you'll keep complete documentation and logging on your construction projects.

Merlin Project notes for construction diary and logs

Write annotations and notes on activities, assignments, resources or attachments. The current date and time can be quickly added with a mouse click.

Merlin Project notes for construction diary and logs

Thanks to the attachments, photos or detailed plans, for example, can be added very easily. Daily construction reports are thus created directly on the construction site - without a clipboard and time-consuming paperwork - on an iPad.

Merlin Project photo documentation directly on the construction site

Take photos directly on the construction site and assign them in Merlin Project to the associated construction process or to a responsible person.

Logging a construction site with Merlin Project attachments

All other relevant information, such as the number of employees, the trades present, you enter and edit at any time later, if required. Save the project file to iCloud so that your planning is available in real time to all Merlin Project users - on the construction site and in the office.

Merlin Project for Mac and iPhone/iPad is the perfect companion for your construction projects and already started building projects. Try Merlin Project 30 days for free.

Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 07.06.2021 en Productos
Etiquetas: construction-diary comments notes collaboration

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

Sus ideas, nuestra magia – ¡realice proyectos de forma sencilla!
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