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macOS Hints: Change Date Format


Since the first version of macOS, the operating system of Apple understands different time zones and date formats.

Follow the steps below to set the date formats for macOS:

  1. open the system settings.
  2. click on "Language & Region".
  3. change the region in the drop-down menu of the same name.
  4. with a mouse click on "Advanced..." the options for date can be adjusted additionally.

In all applications that use the date format of the system, the displays for the date format are adjusted accordingly. Merlin Project uses these date format defaults.

You can find out more about dates and regions directly on the Apple website.


If you want to undo the changes under "More options... > Date", click the "Restore default" button.

You will find all articles of our series "macOS hints" here._

Publicado por Antoni Cherif on 09.04.2020 en Gestión de proyectos
Etiquetas: macos-hints date-format

Merlin Project en el Mac y el iPad

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