Checklist Element

Checklists are a common tool that many PMs use. Merlin helps the PMs by providing a Checklist Element that can be attached to any activity.

With Merlin Checklist Element, you can track all your lists easily. You can even generate a report for all the lists in your project to make sure that none of them slip through the cracks.

Das Element Checkliste

How to create a checklist

Here we will walk through how to create a check list element attached to a task then populate the elements with several items

  1. Select the task you wish the Checklist element be attached to
  2. Add a check list item by choosing "Insert - Element - Checklist"
  3. Press the "+" button to add check list items in the inspector of the Checklist element
  4. Enter the content of the checklist item. You can add additional checklist item details in the "Entry Description" field.

Merlin has other features to help you manage your checklists. It allows you to mark your checklist items with simple checkboxes. Save them to a separate file, load them from an external file and of course copy and paste them.

How to Import/Export your checklist

  • To save your checklists to an external file, you can press the "Export" button in the Checklist Element inspector. Merlin saves your checklist as an OPML file
  • If your checklist items are documented in an OPML file, you can import them by pressing the "Import" button in the Checklist elements inspector. Please note that importing a checklist will append items to the current checklist.

To successfully import your checklists, you need to have them saved as OPML. To learn more about OPML, check out OPML page on Wikipedia here.

How to generate a report of your project checklists

  • To generate a report listing all your project checklists and their status, Select "File - New Report…" and choose the "Checklist Report"
  • To generate a report for a specific Checklist Element, select the Element then press the "Report" button in the Element's inspector. Select multiple items if you want to generate a report for a selected set of tasks or resources.

If your report doesn't list all of the intended checklists, check your report options by pressing the "Options" toolbar button in the report dialogue box

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