
Every project manager knows how tedious it can be to carry out routine jobs. Furthermore, many project managers also have their individual procedures, which may change from project to project, on their agendas. For this reason we have implemented AppleScript in Merlin.

AppleScript is used to write script files, which automate actions of the computer and the applications used on the computers.

How to find Merlin applescript commands (dictionary)

This will allow you to discover the level of AppleScript support Merlin has.

  1. Open the "Script Editor" application found in "Applications/AppleScript/" folder
  2. Select "File - Open Dictionary…"
  3. Select Merlin from the list of applications
  4. Dictionary browser window will show you Merlin suite of AppleScript commands and functions

Unfortunately we are not able to give you programming instructions for AppleScript. We have however, collected a list of links from the internet that you might find helpful.

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